Channel: Divorce, Separation & Annulment
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Divorce process frustration

What is the name of your state? Texas I have been married for 6 months. We have no kids together nor any joint assets. Due to multiple arguments, selfish behaviors, etc we are undergoing divorce. I...

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Ex not paying Property Equalization Payment

I am divorced and live the state of Idaho. A Property Equalization Payment was part of the divorce decree, however, I have not received a single payment as of yet. He is to pay me $40,000. The decree...

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Spouse has GF, do we split assets

What is the name of your state? VA asking for friend. Husband is cheating and wife has all proof, videos, photos via husband’s GF. (They got into argument etc) Wife is in high net worth income.They...

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Postnuptial agreement

What is the name of your state? New York All of these questions are with regards to maximizing enforceability of a postnup. 1. Obviously we’d get the agreement notarized but how necessary are witnesses...

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Was I ever married in North Carolina?

I eloped in early 2020 in Asheville, NC. There was no marriage license. The person who performed the ceremony was an "ordained online minster." I believe it was by "United Life Church." My...

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Wealthy wife is Cheating

I am writing this for my uncle, who doesn't do any online. He is retired and lives in San Francisco with his wife, who is 15 years younger. They have been together for 15 years. She is a very wealthy...

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Florida Alimony

“This is a death sentence for me” – DeSantis signs bill overturning state’s permanent alimony laws and opinions are divided (msn.com) DeSantis. There is good and bad here. The bad is for those who wer...

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Would inherited house be a marital asset?

New Jersey My wife and I live in a house that my parents bought for us, but they still owned it. We have lived in this house for 8 years. My dad has already passed away. Right now my mom isn’t too so...

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Does no fault or irreconcilable differences affect a divorce settlement?

What is the name of your state? Tenn. Neither my wife nor I have any anything that our state considers fault based grounds for divorce. I've had two consults with lawyers but neither answered my...

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Can a pro se party in divorce court have a non-attorney with him?

Ohio. Can a party proceeding pro se in a divorce trial have someone not an attorney with him at the table to help with exhibits, etc. The person is a forensic accountant who has helped the party...

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Online Divorce Filing

(Nevada) I want to file for divorce and have seen online services that provide the proper paperwork for a fee. Does this fee cover the filing fee required by the local court or is it in addition to?

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Rights to Ownership

What is the name of your state? PA Do I have any rights to ownership in the event of a divorce wrt the house I live in. The house belongs to my wife. She lived in it pre marriage. I know the deed was...

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Filing for Divorce in a different state

NY Hello, thank you in advance! My spouse and I were married in California. He is a long-time Cali resident while I just moved back here in NY less than a month ago. Divorce will be uncontested but I...

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Is pre-marital money still separate property if I transfer to new brokerage...

Hello all! Let's say that I have a premarital brokerage account. After getting married, I open a new brokerage account and transfer the holdings of the old account to the new broker via ACATS transfer...

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Not divorced but husband is holding up money from the sale of our house. Is...

What is the name of your state? New York Hello, I need some advice desperately. My husband just called the lawyer for the sale of our house and said he is not releasing any money until we come to an...

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Question about seperation

What is the name of your state? NY Hello.. my domestic partner and I share 2 kids together and have lived together for close to 10 years in her property and 2 years in my property before that. I'm a...

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Real Estate Equity after Divorce

California : Primary residence property + 3 attached rentals owned by man for ~12 years with ~50% of mortgage remaining. At that point, man marries and new wife pays off loan. 21 years later, if...

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How big of a deal is fraud in a family court?

What is the name of your state? TN Married 4 years, no kids, I filed for divorce. Wife is claiming "such cruel and inhuman treatment or conduct towards the spouse as renders cohabitation unsafe and...

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Can you do a do-over if your lawyer does a bad job?

What is the name of your state? VA Short version: Wife lied and claimed $8,000 month in expenses and asked me to pay for everything including giving her $3,000/mo support during the divorce. My lawyer...

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Can switching lawyers be a viable excuse to delay an appeal?

What is the name of your state? ms I don't want to get into the topic. My lawyer seems to be "saving it" for trial and hasn't said anything nor even dismissed the other lawyer's lies. My lawyer refused...

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